How will I ever trust anyone again?đź’”

So I’m going to try and make this as short as possible. But for the past year I was dating this guy who I thought was amazing. He had treated me like a queen and we were best friends. He started hanging out with some friends that he had not hung out with since high school and he never would let me meet them because “when we hang out it’s just guy stuff and there’s no girls”. He was being distant and started treating me differently. I have no reason to believe that he was cheating on me because he would always be snap chatting me while he was with his friends and it would always be pictures of him with them. They were younger than us and didn’t have jobs and were single boys. So I don’t know if they were influencing him or what. But anyways he ended breaking up with me because he needed to work on himself and focus on work to prove to his grandparents that he won’t be just like his parents who are druggies and alcoholics. We were both balling and he told me I’m the only girl that he wants but this is what he had to do. So for the past 4 months we have been talking and having sex and were still being good friends and he knew that I was still in love with him and wanted to get back together and he would always tell me that he was being faithful to me while we were broken up and that I’m the only girl he talks to (I told him I wouldn’t have sex with him or be in his life if he was with other girls). Well fast forward to two days ago I went over there to hangout with him and we had sex and it had been a few weeks and I said to him “have you been with any other girls” and he said “no” so we proceeded to have sex and cuddle and seemed like everything was great. But then there were somethings he had been doing lately that made me suspicious like last week he had deleted all the pictures of me off of his social media which I thought was weird and he was always liking other girls pictures but never mine and he just hadn’t been treating me very good anymore. So last night I had this bad feeling and decided to do something a little crazy and logged into his snapchat and not only did I find like 20 girls he was snapchating but I found one that said “babygirl♥️💍” with an 137 day streak which means they’d been talking for like 4 months which would be right when he broke up with me and I opened the messages and found her nudes and all these pictures of himself that he had sent to her and one of them was one that I just sent to him yesterday (of himself that was in my snapchat memories from a year ago) I was so heart broken and sent her a message on his snapchat saying “I had sex with my ex *my name here* this week” to let her know then I logged out of his snapchat and messaged him so upset and told him I know everything and he tried to act like he didn’t know what I was talking about and then tried to turn it on me and say that I cheated on him and that I was always mean to him and just all these terrible things about me that aren’t true and he knows that I’ve been cheated on before in past relationships and how much much those people hurt me and he still did this to me. I’m in so much shock when I tell you I trusted him more than anyone and never thought he would or could do this so me.. I’ve blocked him on everything.. I’m tired of crying.. I’m tired of being hurt..