I don't understand...LONG POST

I'm 24 years old and found out we were expecting our first baby on August 22nd. I took multiple tests all positive and a clear blue weeks estimator test and it told me I was around 1-2 weeks which is early I know. I started bleeding on August 24th. Went to er and they confirmed the MC. They told me my levels were at a 10. I started taking fertility blend (optimizes female fertility and reproductive health) about 2 weeks after the MC. Going by the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">glow app</a> it says AF should have been here on Sept 21st. Since it was so soon in my pregnancy should it have much affect on my period? I've had very little cramping. My moods are all over the place and I'm always tired. I'm extremely bloated and have random indigestion. I took one test almost a week ago with a faint positive. Then got negatives after that. I'm roughly around 11dpo. I'm not quite sure how to calculate that. This is the first time I've dealt with anything like this so I'm just confused. I know everyone is different so it's hard to pinpoint anything. I pray I'm pregnant but after the negative tests I don't want to be disappointed again.