Joke taken too far?

Me & this guy are talking. I work at a phone store & he came to take me to get breakfast. We started joking about him getting my coworker’s number & I was like “yeah, I’m trying to get rid of you anyway” & he just laughed. He’s a jokester type of guy so it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, except what he did after. Well he goes inside the store to buy a car charger. I was busy with a customer so he got it with my coworker first then leaves. He comes back later on saying he doesn’t have a cable, he thought it was included. I go ahead and sell him it and while I’m making the transaction he looks over and tells her, “so are you gonna call me?” And she looked confused. I asked for his number (his work phone has my store’s service) & he says, “ask her, she has it”

Keep in mind, she doesn’t know we talk

So he then says, “I want her to attend me” she says “I’m going on my lunch break”

Then he grabs a paper that was on her counter as she walks out & it’s a sticky note that says “call me 281.....) it had his number written. She leaves and he starts laughing saying “I’m just kidding, you really think I was gonna talk to her”

But of course, he wrote his real number, I didn’t realize he’d given her the note until when he came back with the cable issue, he didn’t clear up anything to her or say it was a joke just after she left. She had gone to her lunch break, didn’t take the note. When she came back, he had left already and she asked about my “friend.” Ofc she doesn’t know we talk but at that point, I realized I’d look even more stupid if I said that’s the guy I’m talking to so i didn’t say anything. Not sure if I should talk to him about it or just drop it..

Edit: yes we’re talking. Unless being friends is meeting each other’s parents, kissing, going out all the time & making plans for dates

Update/ he just sent this
