TTC and history of bulimia

So I’m currently with my bf and we’re trying to have our first child together. We’ve been trying for a few months, 5 to be exact. I just found out I was ovulating earlier than the <a href="">glow app</a> had me thinking, so problem one attempted to take care of. Problem two, and one that I haven’t disclosed to anyone else, even him, has me worried. I have a long history of bulimia. I’ve had it under control and actually have gained some weight back. My anxiety kicks in when I get over a certain weight or when life gets too out of control. I’ve been under a lot of stress lately and it’s hard to tell myelf not to bc I feel like my body is already gearing up to reject food. In my last pregnancy I was ok bc I knew I had someone else relying on me for nutrition and I was ok with my weight. I ate healthier and small portions through the day. I gained 40 pounds with her.

I got my ovulation in time this month but scared me vomiting will stress my body out too much. It’s gotten to the point where I can lean over and just vomit, no fingers no real trauma, but I don’t like caring this secret. I want a baby badly. I know I need to fix this. Any other women have this issue??