Were we in the wrong???

This might be long, idk.

Okay so I have a friend (or had) let’s call her Carrie. she is pregnant. She doesn’t take very good care of herself. She stayed with us Saturday night.

When we went into town Saturday she met a guy and bought some weed. Like ok it’s just weed. Me and my husband were cool with it as long as it wasn’t around us or our son. she smoked it outside away from the house and came in and went straight to sleep. No issues.

We went to take her home today(Sunday) and when we stopped for gas she said her friend was on the way with some money they owed her. So the friend comes and Carrie gets out, goes to this other car to get her “money” chats a bit and comes back. Totally normal, right ? .....wrong.

We get to going down the road and Carrie calls her mom to let her know she’s on the way home, she cries (she’s going through a breakup and mess) and gets off the phone.

Next she calls her baby daddy’s mom (let’s call her Jane) and asks could she stop by.

Okay so at this point her eyes are barely open and she’s slurring her words.

Carries asks my husband if he could take her to Janes house and he says no. The last time we hung out, when we stopped at the gas station she went to the restroom and got high in there and was like a zombie and her mom told us not to bring her home like that. Anyways. So hubby chances his mind and says yes he will take her to Janes house. We finally get there. Carrie was so messed up she couldn’t remember where she wanted to go.

Once she goes into the house hubby puts her stuff on the porch and hauled ass. I felt so bad about it but we had told her no drugs. She blew our phones up askin how could we do that. I just don’t understand how she could do what she did. I don’t want to be around that stuff and I don’t want my son around it. Plus we are supposed to be adopting the baby she’s pregnant with.

Jane had just left her moms house to drop carries daughter off so I know jane would take her home. Hubby wanted to leave her on the side of the road but I thought janes house was better.

Are we assholes for what we did?? Should I feel bad? I thought we were friends but she only hits me up when she wants something.

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