My husband is impossible

So. Long story short, my husbands grandfather made us a wooden baby bassinet that swings. It’s adorable, and a great thing that we both loved.

Until we brought it home.

We are staying in a 1 bedroom right now that is already cramped without any baby stuff. This thing is huge. I mean. Huge. It’s really inconvenient, in the way of everything no matter where you put it, but my husband will not change his mind about using it. I suggested that we keep it in another room and let the baby nap in it during the day, but when we are ready to sleep we should get a smaller bassinet or a co-sleeping tool. (And don’t come at me about co-sleeping either)

But he was not having it. He would rather this thing be blocking something in our room and be used. It would block our dresser, nightstands, and even our closet no matter how you move it and he still doesn’t see the issue in that, and it caused a huge argument.

I hate this thing now. I wish it would break or something. I don’t even see it as sweet anymore. I don’t know what to do.

I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings for not wanting it, but it would make life with a newborn harder instead of easier.

Part of me wants to just say f it and let him have this thing but the other part of me is frustrated knowing that it will make life harder with a new born, and I’m sure we all know we need all the ease we can get with a new born.

What do I do. Please help me.