Why Lie? I know why...cause you want both of us (NOT)


So, I meet this man at his job. He was actually helping me purchase a couch for my apartment. When I first saw him I thought he was handsome, but I wasn’t that interested. After he helped me with my purchase he asked me if he get my number. He also complementing me the whole time I was there. Saying things like “your so beautiful and that he thought I was so sexy. I blushed a little bit, because he was very handsome, but I didn’t let him know that. Certain things men must not know so soon. I don’t believe in feeding a mans ego not too soon at least. Anyway, I gave him my number. We text. We talked on the phone. I have a busy schedule with my kids and my job I don’t have a lot of time to do to much of anything. However, when I did make time he wasn’t available. At first, Im assuming it’s his job, but when the times got weird I got concern. Example, if I call him at 9 pm he doesn’t answer but will text me immediately after like “hey babe”. After he start doing that for awhile it was time for me to become an investigator. It didn’t make any sense for a man to tell me how much he wanted to be with me then become distanced. Usually when a man switches up their behavior in a relationship either there not interested anymore or there cheating. Man who cheats tell on themselves all the time. The first thing they do is move differently. So, I lurked on Facebook because I’m thinking he has a girl. That’s why I was only able to talk to him at certain times. After a few hours of lurking around. I found out that this man has a wife and 6 kids.😂 I immediately text him and told him that I no longer want to talk to him and he lied after I ask him when I first meet him did he have a wife or girlfriend and he told me no. Well after I sent those text he blew up my phone text me like crazy I didn’t respond. There’s nothing that he can say to me to convince me that it’s okay to still talk to him. I was talking to

My friend about this and I told her. I don’t mess with married men. And I don’t want to take part of hurting his wife. Sure, I could call him right now and pick up where we left off at. But noooooo! He has a family and I don’t want to hurt his wife. I’m a woman and I would be heart broken if I were married and my husband cheated on me. Many women don’t mind being

The side chick/mistress. But I do. I have to much to offer a man and why would I give it all to a married men. I think not. I’m sooooooo happy I didn’t sleep with him. But yea we were talking for three months when I found out! Glad I did !