Frustrated!! 😩

Even if there are no answers for me, I just need to vent. Lol I am 39 weeks exactly today. Yesterday I had frequent contractions ALL day. I went to the OB in the morning and the midwife said I was in "early labor," but that it could last for days. The entire day I was having some moderately painful menstrual type cramps that radiated from my lower back ... I walked around, got on the ball ... Hydrated, ate, tried to rest. I took a nap and contractions woke me up, but nothing was severe enough to be "active labor." I declined having an internal yesterday because the midwife explained it can give false hope and it's really uncomfortable ... Well fast forward to this morning and I've felt nothing other than baby squirming around. I think "early labor" went into hibernation, and I'm frustrated. If these contractions (be they BH or "early labor") are going to cause pain, I want to see results, damnit! 😜 ... Like a head!!!! 👶🏻 anyone else going through the same right now? Or has anyone had this happen in the past (what seemed like a prelude to active labor, only to have it stop the next day?) oh well ... Baby will get here when he/she wants I suppose!