Please please read this

Hi everyone. I am so sorry this about to be real sad. My boyfriend was supposed to go travelling with his twin brother and 2 best friends. However, things didn’t work out and he had to stay here to re sit his exams. He just called me and said they have been in an accident in Bolivia. His 2 best friends are dead and his brother is the only survivor in hospital but he cannot reach him. They have been told his brother escaped lightly with a broken arm. Firstly, I don’t even know how to react. I cannot imagine losing 2 of my best friends instantly. I know this has hit him so hard and he has 4 exams left so is trying to keep it together. I don’t know how to be there for him and how much space to give him. But the main messages I wanted to share were these:

Please live your life to the fullest. These boys were just 19 and had only just left school. They were supposed to come home from travelling, go to uni and start their lives. They were both so so young. Car crashes are so common so please be careful on the roads. And finally, please tell your loved ones how much they mean to you because you really don’t know when you will see them for the last time. Please, if anyone has any advice on how I can help my boyfriend grieve in the healthiest way possible, comment below or PM me.