Hello #3 coming in January


Good morning ladies, I am currently 10 weeks really early pregnant with my 3rd and final baby. I am planning to breast feed exclusively. I nursed my oldest son, my second son did not accept the breast he rejected it, he ended up on soy formula.Due to some health issues.

So I am about 14 years out of the loop. I have looked into Aero flow pumps and there is SOOO many choices that I dont know where to begin. I like the spectra 1 for the battery, and the lanisoh for the same,cause I do plan in going back to work. My job provides a nursing room, but there is only 1. I may not be able to get in at times. From my experience with my son I know I need a strong pull, and I was able to pump up to 16 oz. At a time on my alternate breast after a feeding. Hopefully I will be as blessed this time as well. I also had a medela pump agian this was in 2005, and it was ok but the flanges were not comfortable, and loud and bulky, i found it awkward to pump at work with this big ass pump that was loud pumping system. I felt like a cow in a milking machine. I just always found the manually adventi pump alot more comfortable and faster and I could just stick it in a diaper bag and go. Since my insurance is paying for an electric pump I would love to hear what everyone uses and why you like it , I want o make a good decision, since this is my last kiddo wanna have a pleasant experience.