i’m finally ready to tell my story

i was 15 years old. i was a sophomore in high school and i loved to be a part of the theatre department. unfortunately for this show i didn’t quite make it in the musical so i decided to do pit orchestra playing my trombone. i had a major crush on a guy in the crew for the show. but unfortunately he had a girlfriend but decided to hook me up with his friend.. we’ll call him jerry. jerry and i have never met before but we decided that we’re both pretty compatible, why not date?

our relationship was pretty easy going. sometimes we’d hang out and sometimes we’d call till 4am. but after about 3 months it just wasn’t working out so we decided to call it off. (at this point it is may)

from may til august i had received numerous messages about how much he missed me and he wished he could see me again... which i completely ignored.

in august about a week from my birthday (my birthday is august 16th) i was swimming at the beach with my friend when we see two guys running in the water. we couldn’t quite make out their faces until i find a familiar face...jerry. i, of course, say hi and we talk a bit and leave. about 30 minutes after we leave i get a text from jerry saying that he needs another chance....in which i give him.

jerry had changed... a lot.

the night before my 16th birthday i get a text from an old friend of mine (who we’ll call ben) who sends me “happy birthday” right at midnight. about 2 minutes later i get a text from jerry saying “happy birthday bet i was the first to say!” in which i respond “nope ben said it first hehe” which makes jerry very angry. he goes off about how disrespectful it is for me to talk to another guy and how i obviously must be more into him because he sent it first.

i let this one go because it’s a very childish thing to do and i was hoping he was just tired.

throughout the entire month of september jerry decided that i was very disrespectful to him because i liked to hang out with my friends so he made up his mind and he told me that it was either him or my friends. and of course (me being a naïve 16 year old and him being an older guy) i said i chose him. of course i would still talk to friends over snapchat and text which he screamed at me for. but i was over it.

jerry would also take advantage of me and try to do sexual things when my parents weren’t home. no matter how much i told him that i was tired and wanted him to leave, he would stay and try to touch me and convince me to give myself to him.

it was early october when i decided that it wouldn’t hurt to hang out with my friend just once. i turned off my phone and went to see a movie with my friend and when i came back guess who was waiting on my porch. we screamed and fought until i told him that i can do what i want in which he swung his flat hand against my face leaving a red hand print. i had lost the battle.

a week later through a lot of convincing from my friends i ended it with jerry.

though i would still get periodic texts from him saying that he wants me back and he’s changed i ignored them.

i did go to a mental hospital for a week to help with the mental abuse he laid on me.

now i am in a happy relationship with a man that treats me with nothing but respect. (we’ll have been together 6 months june 18) he knows about jerry and everything he has done and he has helped me overcome the situation and be brave enough to speak up about it.

now jerry is in the marines and has no form of communication.

and i am living a very happy life. :)

to any girl that may be gong through something of the sort, i advise you to quickly get out of the situation because there is a very gentle and kind person waiting for you. ♥️