Controlling jealousy and low self esteem ...

So I’ll try to keep this as short as possible.

I’ve been with my boyfriend almost 6 years (in July) and I have really bad off and on bouts of jealousy and constant low self esteem.

I’m going through one right now, probably the worse one yet. My man is definitely more attractive than I am and can basically get whatever woman he wants, one might say I should be thankful of this and I am, don’t get me wrong. But it gets really really fucking hard. The female attention is over abundant in my opinion.

He doesn’t get their number or do anything shady. He will talk to them if they strike up a conversation, which is normal. But lately, and I think it’s because summer is here and girls are wearing less and less I have felt extremely bad about myself, which has caused me to get really overprotective of him to the point where I can tell it is hurting our relationship.

Does anyone have any tips to control jealousy & raise self esteem? I’m currently trying to lose weight and I’m seeing a woman about my skin( I have a very red face). I feel like my mind is too far deep into this rabbit hole of self-loathing though so it doesn’t really matter what I do, I can’t seem to feel good about myself/ ok with other women.

Any advice is appreciated.