Ex reached out... advice please! x

Both 32yo. After 6months dating he had a freak out and ended things because (supposedly) he "wasn't sure he could meet my expectations". It had been fantastic, I was totally blindsided and gutted. I went into no contact and worked on myself, gyming hard, making new friends and have achieved great success work wise. He reached out for my birthday last year, I was polite and went back into no contact. I'm overseas on a work trip right now, achieving my dream I talked about when we were together. He reached out directly with a totally random memory he had with me and that he hoped I was doing well and enjoyed it. (He hadnt reached out in 6 months) We exchanged 10 or so msgs, all positive so I said.. it would be good to see him for a drink. He said of course, let me know when you are back. I said I would be back mid-june. Do I leave it up to him to organize now, or should I follow up? I know I was hurt when he ended things so am being careful here.