Help need opinions!

My boyfriend is out with his friend at a restaurant/bar. It’s mostly known for drinking. They do live music and everything. Well I’ve told him before I’m extremely uncomfortable with him going there with his friend because he’s a whole different person when he’s with this friend and I don’t trust his friend. Well my friend Bree works at this place and just texted me saying he was there. I’m extremely upset and mad to the point I have anxiety. I told him it makes me uncomfortable that he’s there and he doesn’t care. He’s had a dui before, him and his friend are drinking. I’m pissed because one of them is driving. I’m upset because he doesn’t respect me. He’s also ignoring my texts and calls while being a dick to me.

Now mind you there’s stuff that he is uncomfortable with me doing and out of respect for him I don’t do them. One example is hanging out with this girl. She drinks almost everyday. So I understand and I don’t hang out with her because it makes him uncomfortable unless he’s with me which is fine. I don’t mind.

Am I wrong for being upset? Or do I have a right to be.