This doesn’t seem too fair? 😕

ashley • Ashley. 28. Mommy to Aubree. 💗 Married to my best friend. 💕

Idk how to begin by saying this. But my friend seems a bit unfair as to me doing my own thing on my birthday. So let me break this down for everyone to understand.

My friend (let’s call her Amber) has a 8 1/2 month old and I’ve been watching him for literally five days a week. If not more. Even on my work days and days off. For example, I wake at 8am, go to work at 10am and waitress till 3pm, then babysit her baby boy till midnight. I feed, change, bathe, put him down for naps and bedtime. So Amber only has the rest of the night and part of the morning because I also take her to work at 3pm. I’m basically taking care of baby boy all day everyday which is understandable. Baby boy loves me, I love him, and I get a decent amount of money for my time. ALTHOUGH, I planned with my other friend (let’s call her Megan) at the first of the month if I could have a birthday party at Megan’s house along with mine and her friends. Amber knew about this because duh I’m her best friend. A couple weeks later and literally a few minutes ago Amber messages me that I’ll have to cancel my birthday plans if I’m not working so I can take care of her baby. I tell her that we’ll have to see because I might have to work that day as well and she said “I’m sorry but that’s life”. I understand finding a sitter is hard but demanding me to cancel my plans isn’t really the way to ask me if I could. She has other people who could BUT if they have plans they can freely do whatever they wish. Idk. I’ll be newly 23 this 19th so I was hoping I could have a child free day. Do you lovelies have any advice because idk what to do tbh.