Friend zone or???


So I have a dilemma about something and I need advice. Apologizing beforehand because this a book haha.

I met a guy at one of my old jobs in October 2018 and he trained me when I first started there. He was always super nice and flirty and always asked me to hang out with him outside of work and I used to give him rides home as well cause I had a car and he didn’t. He even had me meet his whole family when they came in for one of our brunch’s at work one Sunday. But I hardly ever hung out with him because I was dating someone at the time and I felt like that would’ve been unfair to my ex. I think me and josh (my crush) hung out once together without my ex and we just talked in my car and smoked and then I left. Nothing happened so it wasn’t weird. But I didn’t notice my attraction towards josh until after December. I got him a German shepherd puppy in November for thanksgiving because he wanted a dog and I had someone who was giving their litter away for free. So to kind of put things into perspective. After I broke up with my ex in April, me and josh start hanging out more often. (I left my ex for completely unrelated reasons. He was on really hard drugs and he turned into somebody I didn’t even know. So josh had no effect on my decision). But It was always platonic with josh I think. I mean I don’t know because I’m terrible at reading people sometimes. So I’d come over about once a week or something and we’d get something to eat. Take kairi (the puppy) on a walk in the downtown area from his house. Play with her outside. Watch a show. (We’ve started a couple shows together since then). It’s always just normal stuff but we always laugh together and have a good time. I pay for my stuff. He pays for his. A few times he got me food and a bottle of wine. That was very sweet of him but I can’t tell what it means lmao. Anyways so recently I’m the last month. He started giving me hugs when we hang out. Like right before I leave to go home, he’d give me a look and pull me in for a hug and tell me he had a good time hanging out. Blah blah. You know. And then we part ways. We even got drunk together a few times and he gets really really cheeky about hints but we never do anything. It’s not even talked about tbh. The thing that makes it hard to tell though if he is into me is that when I text him. He leaves me on read or replies wayyyy later or not at all. I’m usually the one who presents when we should hang out and stuff so idk. Maybe I’m reading way too much into things? He’s always super excited to see me though I’m person and his dog adores me. She doesn’t really listen to anyone else beside him and me. He says that I’m her momma haha. The other day when I came over before he left out of country, he called me a goddess and stuff when kairi started jumping all over me. We’ve taken her to the vet together. We always get ask how “our” dog is doing even though she’s technically his. Idk. Maybe he is into me and I’m just dumb. He’s in Germany right now. He left with his family a week ago and comes back in 10 days and I’m so nervous because we’ve been keeping in contact and stuff but I want to break the ice on this and really find out what he wants from me. Because it’s been a couple months and I’ve always been into him. And I just wanna knowwww. Any thoughts??? Sorry this is such a long ass book. Haha.