SO is pushing me to the edge with his gaming


I can’t take it much longer!! The screaming all hours of the night, cussing at people, I’m losing my damn mind. We’ve had ONE day in the past month and a half that we have gotten to go out of town (period) and shop for our son who is due in November. We finally had the extra money to go to a nicer store and a nice restaurant. We go out and we get to this restaurant, when we’re done eating he casually says “shew I’m ready to go home” !! are you serious? We hadn’t even went shopping yet. And ladies I’m not talking a whole mall I’m talking one store. We get to the baby section (all we looked at) and he was looking at things and if he liked it he threw it in the buggy very quickly and rushed me out. We were in and out in 15 mins. I feel so so unappreciated and undeserving of his time. He can sit and game for HOURS and I go down to talk to him for 15 mins and he says “you’re talking my head off” 🤦‍♀️ please give me some advice/tell me what you would do. I’ve tried asking him to spend more quality time together and he says “we live together and we’re here every Day is that not enough”🤬