Can straight men and straight women truly remain friends after a crush/relationship/romantic background?


I read an article on some weird magazine (I think i was directed there from Pinterest lmao) about how women in committed relationships need to let go of their guy best friend / male friends. Of course there was nothing about men needing to let go of their female friends, despite statistically cheating more 🙄

While I believe my 3 guy friends that I still hang out with (in my group of friends which is 4 guys (3 friends + my boyfriend) and 5 girls + me) would never chase after me, one of them did have feelings for me prior to my boyfriend and I meeting. It was something I was honest about with my boyfriend because I didn’t want him to be uncomfortable with my friend and I still being friends because of his preexisting feelings. But he wasn’t because our friend had a girlfriend at the time and even when they broke up he never moved in on me or anything like that.

However, on the other side of the spectrum, my boyfriend has a female friend he’s known for most of his life who intentionally started making passes on him once we had told people we were going out. It was frustrating for me and I wholeheartedly believe she had/has feelings for him. He doesn’t think they can remain friends at all with her actively pursuing certain behaviors with him.

So what are your guys’ stories with your SO? Or your friends horror stories? Can you be cool with someone who you rejected or have a history with? Or will they always be a threat to your relationship? I absolutely don’t agree that women can’t have male friends (especially cuz in that article it said nothing about men with female friends). My more specific question is about whether or not you believe you can remain friends with someone you have a relationship while maintaining your relationship healthily. (Not worrying the other person, making them jealous, etc.)

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