Telling my parents...

I’m 20 and will be 21 in August. I live with my fiancé, and we have been together close to 5 years. I am restarting the nursing program in the fall. I have a prestigious scholarship that pays for it all. I had to sign a contract, and get two people to co-sign on this scholarship (I used my mom and my grandpa). If I fail the program or drop out, my cosigners and I have to pay everything back in 30 days with interest. They’ve already paid for one full year. My family knows my fiancé and I are not doing well financially, and I just found out I’m pregnant. How do I break the news to my parents and my grandpa? They’re the only ones I’m concerned about. My fiancé’s family is so supportive and will have no issue with it. I am terrified. My dad’s told me so many times throughout my relationship that if I get pregnant he’ll kill us both.

My parents have been together since they were 14 and 16 and had me at 18 and 20. They’re still together and have four other daughters. I know they want better for me and I understand that, but I don’t want to feel like I’m going to be shunned or looked down on.