Co parenting after break up??

I’ll try to not make this super long but I’m really struggling here..

So me and my daughters father got pregnant almost a year after we got together, we were both super happy and planned on trying to find a place and be a family. Well things didn’t really turn out that way as he did NOT step up at all and do anything to help prepare for her whatsoever (I’m 24 he’s 30 and we both live with family..he also doesn’t have a license or even a permit) our relationship continued to go downhill after many failed attempts to get him to step up and get shit ready for our daughters arrival. He’s all talk.. always has been. SO now here we are 2 months later, our daughter lives with me and he’s only seen her maybe 6 times since she was born and the only things he’s contributed was $1,000 for her savings account that i basically made him give me bc I put in $1,000 myself and 2 packs of diapers. I told him we can’t be together anymore and he won’t exactly accept it. I’m not comfortable with her being alone with him bc to be honest he doesn’t even know her and she’s super colicky and hard to deal with, so he ends up coming over to my house and will spend a few hours with her. He barely even tries to see her tho..maybe once every 1-2 weeks? If that. He almost didn’t even make it to the hospital to sign her birth certificate when I got discharged. What do I do ??? Should I feel guilty for not being like here you go you can have her for a night when he doesn’t even TRY ? How do we co parent if he constantly says he’s going to do things and be there and doesn’t follow through? I don’t want my daughter to eventually resent me if I tell him to stay away..😞😭 HELP!! I need advice.

Side note: if it matters I exclusively breastfeed and can’t pump enough to really give him bottles.