I need help


Okay so I had a trip on the weekend and my ex was there, on the trip we were going to a water park so I thought why not wear a sexy ass bikini to make him jealous that I have a new boyfriend. Little did I know that was gonna end bad. We were in the water park and he kept commenting on how he “loved the view” so I’m my head I thought it was working. I’m 15 and he’s 14 btw. So we went in the wave pool at some point and he kept touching my chest but I thought nothing of it because I didn’t know he tried to do it. When we got on the bus and it started moving he looked at me then looked down at his “area” and told he me he had a situation. I didn’t know what he meant at the time but I soon found out. He wrapped his towel around his shoulder and when I was on my phone he grabbed my hand and placed it on his dick😳. After I noticed I removed it. He kept grabbing me and placing it on him and moving it. I had no idea what to do. I told him I didn’t want to do that and he kept going. I kept moving my hands away. He put his face close to mine and kissed me then stuck his tongue in my mouth. After that he tried putting his hands in my shirt and shorts. I tried to move them but he wouldn’t. Ppl saw and I just said he was tickling me because I didn’t want to make a scene. He finally stopped when I said I don’t want to be used and when our CO (commanding officer) walked by. Oh I forgot to mention this was a trip with my cadets squadron. I have no idea what I should do. I already told my boyfriend everything.