Leaving fiancé who I love dearly.

UPDATE: Marriage is important to me and this has been discussed since the very beginning. I want to say our vows before God and our family and our children. It’s not just a “piece of paper” to me. Hell, so is money, but we all work hard for it every day. He made a promise to me and has not fulfilled said promise. We built a house together. A life.

Rose: I wasn’t being defensive at all. I shortly explained how I felt about marriage. I’ve KNOWN for a long time that I wanted to marry this man. If he doesn’t know if he wants to marry me after over 5 years, then that’s an obvious issue. If he wasn’t ready to marry me, he shouldn’t have proposed. Usually, a marriage follows a proposal, not an “I’m not ready to be married yet”. That defeats the entire purpose of proposing. Relationships are definitely all about compromise, but he initiated the proposal and he brought up the conversation about us having our ceremony on our property, and now I have to “wait until he’s ready”. It doesn’t make any sense to me. So, now I’m questioning everything he’s ever said or felt and I don’t want to be in a relationship like that. I love him but I don’t want to be played with.

ANOTHER EDIT: He’s led me to believe that marriage is something that he wants and that he wants it with me. He says he doesn’t want to lose our family and our life together. I want more and thought he did or else this relationship wouldn’t still be existing. If he wasn’t ready to propose or get married, that’s on him. He’s 41 and I’m 31, we aren’t spring chickens for sure. I get that we’re only human and we make mistakes, but marriage isn’t something to be toyed with, along with many other things.

Thanks for everyone’s input, I really appreciate it! I will have one more talk with him about this because it’s been weighing heavily on my mind and heart.

My fiancé and I have been together for 5 years. Living together for 4, and engaged for 2. We’ve always had a wonderful loving and very intimate and passionate relationship, but I’m contemplating leaving. I’ve just had enough being strung along. He keeps telling me he doesn’t want to get married just yet. Before we were engaged that’s all he talked about, now, it’s like my heart is being ripped from my chest, and my anxiety has gotten so bad..I really think I’m just going to leave. I’m done playing house. I have a 8 year old from a previous marriage and his son is about to be 11, so it’s going to be hard on everyone..Just needed to vent.