He’s waiting for me?


Hey guys so I’ve been talking to guy (27 yrs old I’m 25) for almost three years now recently I had to take a step back from trying to pursue commitment with him to focus on myself internally. I don’t intend to entertain anyone else. I just simply need to figure out my beginning steps of what I want for myself (career and passion wise)

We just had a conversation about what temporary separation entails and he’s says that he’s love me and supports my decision to work on myself and I asked him if he got the offer to sleep with someone would he and he didn’t deny it I told him if he does end up sleeping with someone else him and I could never be a thing.

Now he feels his only real option is to not act on if he ever had the urge to have casual sex (no strings or emotions attached) with someone else on our temporary separation but I made it clear I wouldn’t come back if he did.

Am I selfish for making him feel like that although I “broke things off” he shouldn’t try to entertain other girls?