The Waterpark- Part 18

I sit in awe.

“ Shay?” Carter asks. “ You okay?” I snap back to reality.

“ What? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I’m good. Uh, can I borrow your car?” I ask.

“ Um yeah sure.” He says as he grabs the keys from his side table. “ Do you need me to come with?”

“ No. I’ll uh, I’ll head straight here.”

“ Okay. Be careful.” He says as I walk out the door. I nod and wave goodbye. I climb into the car and put the key into the ignition. I close the door and rest my head on the steering wheel. I sigh to myself. I shake it off and lift my head from the steering wheel. I reverse into the street and I’m on my way.

I reach Jaime’s house in no more than ten minutes. I take a deep breath and walk up the steps. I bang on the door. Someone quickly opens up. It’s Jaime.

“ Well, hello Shay. What a lovely sur-.” He starts.

“ Are you still in love with me?” I ask not wanting beating around the bush.

“ Well hello to you too.”

“ I asked you a question.” I say stepping inside his house. “ Are you, still in love with me?” I say slowly. He closes the door.

“ What the hell do you think?!” He yells. “ Of course I’m still fucking in love with you.” He walks toward me. I walk around him and then turn around.

“ That is not fair!” I say starting to cry. “ That’s not fair to me Jaime. I cried for months over you. I lost sleep. I didn’t eat. And now when I’m happy again you tell me you’re still in love with me?”

“ I know, Shay. Ok? I know. But what do you want me to do? Suppress my feelings?!” He asks.

“ Yes! That’s exactly what I want you to do. If not for me, for Carter. God, Jaime he-he’s your best friend. How could you do this to him?”

“ Carter got everything. EVERYTHING. He took what was mine.”

“ I was never yours Jaime.” I say.

“ I know. I know. W-wrong choice of words. He took my everything.” He repeats.

“ Me?” I ask.

“ Of course. Shay, you meant everything to me.” He says, with a pleading look in his eyes.

“ Then why did you sexually assault me?” I ask, with a bitter tone.

“ Because I needed you to feel something for me. Even if it was hate. I couldn’t bear you being numb to me.” He says, with a gentle tone.

“ That is not what you do to get someone to feel.” I begin, pointing at him. “ Especially if you claim to love that someone.”

“ I don’t know what to do when it comes to you Shay! You fuck up my mind.”

“ And what do you think you’re doing to me right now?” I shout, instantly regretting it. He turns around.

“ I’m fucking with your mind? You still love me too, don’t you?” He asks, his eyes beaming.

“ No. I don’t. I’m with Carter.”

“ Oh. So you love him?” He says, crossing his arms.

“ No. Yes. I don’t know. Carter and I have been through so much more in these two days than most couples go through in a lifetime together. He’s been so sweet about all of it. Letting me stay at his house and all that. But, I don’t know if we can come back from this one. It’s pretty bad this time.” I say, looking down.

“ I’m sorry.”

“ It’s not your fault. He’s not really upset about the whole pregnancy thing. He’s upset I didn’t tell him that my sexual assaulter is also the person I lost my virginity to. And he’s mad at you too obviously. Why did you do that? Sleep with me, date me, when you knew how much he liked me?”

“ I wanted you more. I knew that.” He says walking over to me. I don’t move back. He puts his hands on my hips, and works them up to my cheeks. He strokes my cheeks and looks me straight in the eyes. I look back at him. I snap out of the trance and pull his hands off.

“ No, we-we can’t do this.” I say turning away. He still has my arm. He pulls me back to him. He crashes his lips onto mine. His hands, like his lips aren’t rough and calloused the way they were before. They’re soft and supple. I don’t kiss him back. He pulls away. He opens his eyes slowly.

“Tell me. Tell me that kiss did not feel the same way it did when we first kissed. Tell me that and, I’ll leave you alone forever. But if you tell me yes, then I’m going to fight for you. And I don’t care how many obstacles I have to go through to get you back. I’ll do it because I’m in love with you. So, Shay, did the kiss feel the same?” He says, crossing his arms. He looks at me intently. I look from him, to the floor, to Carter’s keys.

“ I-i have to get back to Carter.” I say and turn around.

Part 19???? Sorry it’s so late. Thanks for reading another chapter!💕❤️