Need advice


I had an emergency c section almost 3 years ago. I was pushing for i think 2 hours or so and my son would not come out. He was sunny side up and 8 lbs 13 ounces. Anyway this time around i REALLY want to have a vbac. My doctor is not crazy about it but said as long as things are progressing ok he is ok with it if i go on my own but that there will be no inducing or pitocin etc. there’s 4 doctors in the practice and he is my favorite, i hate the one doctor that i had with my son. So i scheduled a c section just Incase for 2 days before my due date with my fav doctor. Today i was told he is on vaca that week so i either would have to schedule with him a week before at almost 39 weeks or leave it as be with another doctor and possibly the one i can’t stand. I don’t know what to do. I feel like if i schedule it for 39 weeks i won’t have given myself even an opportunity to go on my own and try for a vbac. My regular doctor doesn’t get back till I’ll be 41 weeks which is late for a scheduled. I really love him and have such a soft spot for him as he was truly an angel when i suffered a miscarriage last summer and was also the doctor who performed my d&c. What would you do?