Childcare making childhood obesity epidemic worse? 🧐

I have a niece who, at 2 years old, is considered borderline obese at 87% BMI. She is a carb junkie and has historically been a very picky eater. She has been enrolled in daycare since she was 8 months old right around the time she began solids. I have another niece,who is only 2 months younger, who stays at home with her mother while she works from home. Her BMI is 44% and has a taste for healthier options. Both mothers and fathers are overweight and both sets of parents work about the same hours and brings home the same pay. Niece 1 can be found on the (very highly rated AND accredited) Daycare’s site eating chocolate muffins, cookies and popsicles weekly. This had me wondering about risk for obesity for kids in Daycare so I looked to see if there was any research on the matter and sure enough is had been suggested that Daycare does contribute to weight issues. It seems as though there are no nutritional or physical activity standards in Daycare, or if there is, they vary by state and I am unable to find any obvious attempts at obesity prevention. Should this not be more regulated at the state level if this is where high-quality diets and activity are most important? Curious to hear others thoughts and opinions. Do you believe Daycare is setting children up to become obese?