Be honest but nice

I'm to my point with my fiance. We have a almost 3 year old. I stay at home but am getting a job soon. He works. He comes home and sits on his phone or watch TV. Or he goes and disc golfs everyday so far. I cook dinner, I clean, raise our amazingly great son. I let him go out. But he has put zero (and I mean Nada) effort into US and our son. He thinks of E V E R Y T H I N G as a chore. If we go out and try and make a fun day.... He literally complains about everything! And puts it all on my shoulders. He will take advantage so easily.

Literally if we have a deep convo all problems will be gone for like 2 weeks then he starts going back to his ways. And then I have to retalk with him again. He's like a teenager.

I know I don't make money and that probably stresses him out but I'm getting a job soon. Cause I may just need to get out of the house. Idk I need opinions and constructive criticism.