I think my old high school teacher might be interested 😮

Ive known my high school art teacher since 8th grade and joined his class in 9th grade.

He has been an amazing mentor to me, almost like a family member. I kept taking the art class throughout high school. He always encouraged me and believed in my art more than anyone. After high school I didn’t even went to college, I’ve been working for myself as an artist since, I’m 28 now and have traveled the world because of it and made a very nice living too.

I got married at 23 and at 27 my marriage started falling apart. My husband had an emotional affair, I tried to fix things which only made it worse. It’s like he hated me even more even thou he was the one who cheated. He wouldn’t stop talking to the girl, he blamed me for everything. I was so broken and started to believe that it’s my fault. He ended the affair but kept the friendship, venting to her, telling her personal things, it got so bad I couldn’t take it anymore and finally separated. Now he wants to work on us but I still don’t trust him. I am pregnant and happy, no regrets.. a lot of things I’m realizing now that I’m separated as I was being lied to and really thought I needed to fix myself to fix our marriage. So see clear now that he was wrong and there was nothing I did to deserve this. And if he wanted to go he should have instead of stringing me along.

Anyway as I was going through all this, I told my teacher a little bit of it. I talk to him very few times per yr but we remain social media friends. Well today, months later he msg me to see how was doing. He ended calling and we talked for 3 hrs. He was married too to someone just a few yrs older than me. He gave me his whole story, basically similar to mine. She cheated on him 3 times over the course of 15 yrs, even moved out and got her own place, but he took her back and tried to save the marriage but she doesn’t want to. So we comforted each other.. we don’t know where our future is going.. but it was so nice to talk to someone who is a good person but dealt such a shitty relationship card. Sounds like he gave her everything, she didn’t even have to work for months, he took care of her.. here I am pregnant and husband won’t even give me a dollar lol...in the end he said it was really nice to talk to me and therapeutic and I felt the same. We are broken people who in time we will heal. He did say a few things that told me he might be interested.. we’ve both been through hell, he is staring at divorce papers and I am not sure what the heck my husband is doing and part of me wants to let it all go and move forward....

Do you think it’s weird that I’m even thinking about the future possibly with my old teacher ?!! Have you experienced anything like this ? I am 28 now and he is probably maybe 45-49 not sure. I’m just thinking guys, probably getting ahead of myself lol. Any suggestions will be appreciated. He has been married once before this marriage that’s ending already and has a son who is a maybe 2 yrs older than me.