Dear me

I know what you've been through, you're first heart break was your dad. He hurt you physically and emotionally then left you for another family. You've been everybody's punching bag and have kept a smile on your face while it was happening. People you trusted abused that and took away something apart of. I know you'd cry yourself asleep countless times, I know you've hurt yourself in the past because you thought you deserved it. I know you've tried killing yourself countless times and lied about it to others. I know you, I know your pain, your hate, and your mistakes. I also know you regret doing that to yourself.

It's time for forgiveness. It's time for acceptance. You can cry and scream it all out, ignore everyone else and think about you. Think about what makes you happy not your family or people around you.

You deserve happiness,you deserve love, you deserve to laugh and hell you deserve to have fun with your special someone.

You are a special person and never forget that.