Relationship problems: is it cheating?what to do..☹️


SO.. my boyfriend went to the beach party and got really friendly with this one girl. I had to hear this from other people. My two best friends text me the same day saying that he was very flirty with her over text message and asking her even on dates. I confronted him and he acted dumb and I broke up with him without him explaining himself. He explains himself and I take him back the next day because believe it or not but I do love this kid. This was last week.

Today I was at his house and while he was busy in the kitchen I look through his Instagram DMs and it’s full of him asking girls for other social media ( Snapchat ) and even to the extent of saying to one girl “you don’t know me but you’re very beautiful and I’d love to talk to you and take you out on a date” I confronted him about this and he says it’s in the past, the latest one I saw was May 25th. he said he’s sorry. And uses an excuse of “its not like I’m ‘cheating’ or trying to have sex with them”. I’m just trying to explain to him that it still hurts me and it’s disrespectful to me as his girlfriend to do those things.

I end up pushing it away for a little and we have sex and in the middle of it I start crying. I felt so empty. He really hurt me. I love him a lot. But he hurt me. He cried with me and said he’s sorry he hurt me and he’s stupid. He ends up sitting at the bed alone tearing up and shaking his head. to me he seemed very regretful.

I don’t want to break up with him... call me stupid, I know. But what can I do to gain trust back if I can and to set boundaries to continue my relationship in a healthy way.

I cried writing this because it hurts to know the person I’m with wants better.. he says he ended up texting all those girl because at the time I said I didn’t care about something important to him.. but is that a real reason to do that?

I’m just stupid probably..