Child support..

If you had a child with someone you were previously in a relationship with and/or married to at some point, and you separated/divorced when the child was two, would you put them on child support? And only allow him to see the child one day a week and every other weekend?

Before you answer that, let me be clear about something...

that father you split from is a damn good dad. He’s not a dead beat and is extremely active in the child’s life. (Child is now older) goes to all school events, shows up to every sport practice and game and even is the one paying for it all, takes the child back to school shopping every year, takes him to experience new things, and new places, and the child loves their dad.

I am asking because this is my Fiancè. I’m not saying it because he’s my fiancé and I’m naive. He really is a damn good father and his ex wife refuses to let him have him more even when we ask, only occasionally she will say yes. She doesn’t take him to go school shopping, just give him clothes that his older brother used to wear, doesn’t pay for the child to be in sports or the equipment, it’s all us. And when she doesn’t want to deal with him, sends him to his grandmothers house instead of calling us and letting us have him. So he’s basically split between three homes because she refuses the father to have more time because if we get more time, she loses some money that my fiancé is paying out in CS.

Also, we can’t take her to court because if she found out how much my fiancé now makes compared to what he made when they were still together, she’d take him for every dime he has. And we have a little on the way.

So besides all of that, would you put someone on child support like that?

Oh and she makes 20+ an hour and gets child support from her other sons father (he’s not an active part of his life) so she isn’t hurting for money, at all. And I now this because every time we see her she has expensive clothes and shoes on. But refuses to by my step son anything knew. (Except his birthday, she bought him a new pair of nikes) 🙄