Advice please.

Hi all. I am a first time mom to a 15 month old little boy and expecting #2. I have been battling PPD.

Since August of 2018 I have been watching my nephew (22months old) 6 days a week.

I love keeping him even though it’s not always easy. My LO loves playing with him. They can both run around now , they have excellent vocabs and we are potty training.

I don’t like being stuck in the house all day everyday. And I know they would enjoy a splash pad or kiddie pool. I asked my grandma if she would like to go with us to a splash pad and she said yes. My sis was over at her house at the time and my grandma asked her if it was ok with her. Right after this she comes to pick her son up and I asked her. She said no. She said that I can just watch him at my house and not go anywhere. I asked why and she gave so many excuses. She claims I won’t be able to watch both of them playing, she said pedophiles go to places like that and steal kids all the time or if I wasn’t watching him someone would molest him at the pool. Then I asked what about our gym? It has a daycare in it and they’ll keep the kids for 2hours so I could have some time to myself. She gave similar excuses.

Idk what to do. I really can’t stay in this house all summer.