Just venting

So when I found out I was expecting I told my Mom and was also looking to move out. My Mom encouraged me to stay so I did. I had just started my career and was trying to make probation before I was due to give birth. In the midst of all this going on my bed room which was in the basement had flooded and I had lost a lot of my things. I moved back up to the room I had in high school and slept on a twin sized mattress for most of my pregnancy until I couldn’t do it anymore, my belly was hanging off the bed. My mom claimed she would use the insurance money to buy my new furniture. I went and purchased my own bed set after already purchasing one like 3 months before) Fast forward: I had just started my career and I was due 5/21 and I had planned to take off until September when school started up again but they didn’t go as planned. We agreed when I went out I wouldn’t have to pay her rent until I went back to work because I didn’t really save up that much time. And my OT was cut because I was pregnant. My bf moved in when I was 6 months pregnant. I gave birth to my twins 4/27 and then 7/14 I was being rushed via ambulance for my daughter to have brain surgery. I was battling Depression everyday between trying to adjust to being a mom of two. On top of that she was leaving me responsible to clean the entire house and some nights I wouldn’t even get sleep with my daughter in pain and my bf being at work over night. It was very overwhelming. My bf lost his job due to constantly running back and forth trying to figure out what was wrong with our daughter. He worked for WIS and if anyone didn’t know they have a crazy schedule. It kinda worked out because he got to stay home with one twin while the other was in the hospital for two weeks. My daughter received SSI and I kept it to myself, it wasn’t much but it allowed us to buy pampers and whatever else for the baby. My mom wrote up a lease in the amount of the ssi check and told me I’d pay her either all cash or 1/2 cash and half FS. We butt heads a lot and staying there was driving me insane. I had heard she was trying to take custody of my daughter that receives the ssi just for the money. At one point I almost moved my little family into a one bedroom and she told me I needed to stay at her house and stack up money until the kids were about 3. Fast forward to 11/26 she kicked us out at 11 pm after nearly throwing a weight at my face. I packed a couple outfits for me and a ton for my kids and my bf did the same and we made a 4.5 hour trip via PT to the Bronx to Path. We couldn’t get into a shelter because we had a place to stay and were illegally evicted. They told us to go back and try and talk to her and if she didn’t to call 911 to assist us. We did what they said and knocked on the door. We were outside in like 15/20 degree weather with our 6 month old kids knocking on the door, her and my sisters car were outside. The cops made a police report for me to be able to go back to PATH and to be able to go back to her house and get inside to get my things. I never made it back to Path, my aunt came and got us and took us to my Grandmothers house. We’ve been here since that day. She allowed me to stay but that came with drama. My mom and my sister would just pop and like try and make me feel uncomfortable. On Christmas they sat in the kitchen at a family function whispering like “I’ll go get one baby now and you get the other one in 5 minutes”

She ran and told everyone that she had kicked me out. My sister and my Mom would come to my Grandmas house and just just open my room door instead of knocking. It was just a lot . I don’t have a relationship with my sister by choice because she’s just drama. When I found out I was pregnant she would call me everyday trying to get me to get an abortion, she’s very disrespectful, abusive and then she didn’t come around until my kids were 2 months old and she would grab my kid(s) and try to take them outside with out my permission. I’ve gotten into two physical fights with her because my mom never corrected her. & I choose not to deal with her. So, now I found an apt, I speak to my Mom cordially. I pretty much stay to myself and raise my kids. She asked for the kids on Friday for Saturday but we had a party to go to so I told her no. She asked where the party was and at that point I didn’t respond. She called me two days ago like she asked for the kids and they didn’t come Saturday but I didnt Call her Sunday. I sat on the phone really confused like you asked for them on Saturday and you normally come over EVERY SUNDAY. She’s like I don’t always want to be in you and my mothers face just to see my grandkids. I said “well mom, idk what to tell you” then she told me I’m your mom and I want some Fucken respect.

I said “ I respect you but respect is earned not given. You’ve done some messed up things just like I’m sure I have but don’t sit here and tell me what you want when you’re not even giving it yourself. She then started to bring up my bf living with us being against her morals and I cut her off and told her it was irrelevant because we’ve all been out for months now. Then she bought up my dad and his wife and was like “they didn’t even let you stay with them when I kicked you out.” I said it’s irrelevant. She then told me the way that I treat her will come to bite me in the ass when my daughters get older. And I told her they wouldn’t ever be like me because I would never treat them how you treated me. They’d be able to come talk to me without me telling the entire world. I’d let them live with me until they get on their feet because I chose to give them life. And I wouldn’t turn my back on them or against each other. And she then said whatever issue I have with her I need to get it out NOW as a woman. I sat on the phone laughing to myself and quiet because when I thought about it I don’t really have an issue anymore. I asked her what she wanted and she was like “I wanted to know if I could get my grandkids for a few hours after work.” I said “that’s fine” and hung up.

I just don’t want to deal with the drama. I put my whole life into my kids, I wake up everyday and I’m the best mom that I can be. I separate myself from her and my sister because they’re still doing the same shit. They talk shxt about me like we’re not blood. Since I’ve left her house I’ve been able to focus on myself. I fought depression, I’m back to myself and I found me and my babies our own place!

I don’t talk to my mom about my personal issues or money its just “hi, how are you?” And “Have a good day”.

When we hung up I thought about my problem, if I had one and I texted her:

My energy comes from a place of peace. I’m not mad at ANYONE, I’m glad I got out the house because I got to deal with whatever I was going through on my own terms. I think the problem is you trying to be in control of everything and you can’t control me. I stay to myself and try and be the best mom that I can be to my kids, I do my own thing. If you ask for them and I say no, or today isn’t a good day I don’t feel I owe you or anyone else an explanation. And for the most part when you ask I let them go. You wanted me out your house because you felt I was “embarking on Jayden’s time” and I’m out and it’s still an issue. Every time you speak you're talking about whatever issue you have at the moment and then bringing up old stuff. I’m doing what I have to do as a mom and as a women and it took me leaving your house to do so. It’s not your place to try and tell someone how quickly to “heal” or how you feel they should act because them honestly we'd all have something to say. . . Things ain't just gonna go back to what it was like 👌🏾 *snap* When my time comes all I want is to be able to come get me and my kids things.

I seriously have been considering therapy. Just to talk to someone about all I’ve been thru and maybe see what I could’ve done differently and even just face my problems so that I can be a better mom to my daughters.

I’m willing to speak to her but not at this time. I can’t deal with the “I’m your mother” response for everything. I feel like she talks to me like I’m 15 year old me and not 25 year old me with two kids.

I feel she’s upset because I’m about to move into my own place and the things she’s been doing she can’t do anymore.

You just don’t understand how liberating it felt leaving her house that night. I was soo scared but it was the best thing for me