🤔 idk about these lil ones.....

Okay I absolutely love this freakin app fr!! I love reading everyone’s story’s and knowing I’m not alone in most cases but when I go through the comments I notice “lil” ones commenting and saying things like “I can’t wait to do this” or “im going to try this” and I really really do not agree with take it when I say “lil” I mean there 9 to 14 and me being 27 and seeing the things us woman talk about on here I really dont think they should be allowing on this app tbh we get into very adult topics and mostly I do see them commenting on sex master bating and other wild things they should not be on here!!!!!! And on some I go to there page and it’s even worse!!! I see them posting asking questions like how do I suck a p which means penis But obviously they’re too young to feel like it’s OK to even say it or they ask other things like what’s this position called I think it looks cool to try like no lil girl worry about your damn grades and making girlfriends hanging out trying makeup on idk lil things like that it doesn’t bother me that much but when I see really bad comments from them it does maybe I’m worrying to much for them idk really it’s just got me going crazy on here lmao 🤔😬🖐🏼 what do y’all think seriously?????