

So sitting in hairdressers today my hairdresser says 'my gosh your huge your growing so quickly and look like your about to pop' ok thanks for compliment I'll take that on board👍🏾that's just the first part gradually as we get talking more she asks if I'm breastfeeding I said no and I explained my reasons why and it's the pressure of it all people expect you to just breastfeed, I had a bad experience with my first and it kind of put me off a little at this point there were other customer's within the shop and I kid you not every single one ganged up on me about my reasons not to breastfeed saying 'you have to breastfeed it's important' 'you are not giving your child the best start in life' 'i can't believe your not going to try and least breastfeed' 'you should breastfeed this one and to see the difference from your first one'. I felt so judged and it was the worst thing ever how I managed to hold back my tears I do not know😔🤬

But it's bothered me ever since I came out and it's playing on my mind now!

Am I really that bad of a person as a mother that I'm choosing not to breastfeed?? I feel so down about this 😔has/is anyone else feeling the pressures of this? X