Shouldn't Have To Force My Child To See His Biological Father

JennyGee♥ • 22 Years Old ♥ Mommy of Boys👬

Hello, I have an almost 5 year old son who's father was abusive and controlive over me. I was not even allow to see my family without his presence or even speak on the phone without his presence. Well after 3 years of being in the relationship I RAN AWAY on January 2016. I was 2 hours away from my hometown where my family lived. But some good samatarians took me all the way home along with my child. I was young and thought maybe I can just brake up with him and let him see his child. But I knew how grimmey he was. He called social services on me with fake accusations. He went to my house & it was so hard to confront him and tell him I was no longer going back with him but I did and I was scared. That same day he brought a friend to My House and they were drinking in the front of my house. Side Note he was under age. Well my parents told him that he had to leave our house and not come back. Well that same day the Social Worker shows up and walks in on him drinking beer. She when in talked to me & family and I thank god she did not remove my child for further investigation. I told her EVERYTHING. I had proof and pictures and I attended all my classes and was sincere to her about everything. She knew the whole time that HE was on the wrong and not me. Well the Judge saw the same and I won full Custody of My Child. Now he sees my child when he wants. I never ask him for anything at all. He never even bothers to ask my our child needs. Well on February 2017 I got in a new relationship with an amazing man. He got us a house and a car. Well My Son hates to have to go with his Biological Father. He cries and pulls me that he doesn't want too. I thought something was wrong or going on for him not wanting to go. So I had a talked with my son and he said everything is fine but he doesn't like going with him that his only daddy is my husband. He even tells his biological father that his dad is my husband. He don't tell my son to call him that as a matter of fact my son always saw him as a father waaay before we started dating. But my baby daddy swears that we tell him and gets mad that my husband buys things for my child. My question is WHAT CAN I DO IF MY SON DOES NOT WANT TO SEE HIS BIOLOGICAL FATHER?