How did you wean your baby?


Sadly, our breastfeeding journey is coming to an end. My little girls first birthday is in three weeks and I am so ready to be done breastfeeding. My question is, how did you begin weaning your baby so it was a slow/easy transition or did you just cut them cold turkey? How did it go? So far we have cut out the afternoon/night nursing and she is only nursing in the morning and after her first morning and afternoon nap. We’ve started to slowly introduce whole milk (about an ounce) after dinner. She’s taking to it well but lately she has been pulling at my shirt and lifting my shirt up, wanting to nurse at random moments throughout the day. I try and offer her and alternative to drink (in case she is truly thirsty) but she ends up not wanting it. I think nursing is definitely a comfort thing for her. I just want this process to be as easy as possible with minimal tears.

Also she is eating tons of solids just fine throughout the day.