The One and Only Abortion Topic

Gunce • Head of research at Glow. Unwilling infertility expert. 2 kids after 6 IVF treatments.

All topics on abortion in CC other than this will be deleted. (There will also be one official abortion poll). To discuss a different aspect of abortion please create a new comment within this thread. To seek support if you are facing this choice, please visit our "Abortion Support" or "Adoption Support" rooms. You can also create as many threads as you like in the specific "Pro-life" and "Pro-choice" rooms.

Rules for the abortion topic:

1. Please be kind. There will be real women on this thread, discussing their own real experiences. In no way does a woman who had to make the heartbreaking choice to abort a non-viable fetus deserve to be called killer, murderer or to be told that she killed, murdered, ended the life of her child. Use words with compassion. In this same vein, women who are now pregnant do not need to be told they are carrying a "parasite." Please choose and use your words carefully.

2. Propaganda Memes - especially those containing images of aborted fetus - are ABSOLUTELY not allowed.

3. Please do not attack anyone personally. Discuss the topic, not the person.

4. When this topic reaches 1000+ comments, we will retire it and create a new one.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to write to me and suggested this solution. We agree that it is the ideal between not censoring our community and also not letting this one topic overtake CC.