First time eating rice cereal!!!

First time mom here and my 4 month old just tried rice cereal for the first time today! We went to her 4 month appointment yesterday and her Pedi gave us the green light as well as a paper with all the foods she can start and when.

I was so excited when we got up this morning to see her eating with her cute little spoons. That was until I was trying to figure out how you’re suppose to make it. The box was vague on the directions and then there was the struggle of trying to mix the formula and get the right consistency. The paper the Pedi gave us said “mix until it’s a thin consistency”...thanks for the help. I’m the type who needs precise measurements. It’s a character flaw really. Anyway, so I’m trying my best and it’s taking a lot longer to get ready and the baby is hungry so she’s not being patient at all. She has no chill. I finally get it ready and get her in her little chair and attempt to spoon feed her for the first time. It’s pretty much a disaster the first few spoonfuls followed by crying. She was not having it. I eventually had to get her out of her chair and hold her like I did when I would give her a bottle and she finally calmed down enough to ingest a few bites of it.

Has anyone else had these issues or any advice on how to do it better? I’m still new to this and feel like I’m just winging it half the time and I’m not great at winging things.