My life :boys rant/blog


Let me tell you why I have bad luck with guys, although I am only 17 I have already had two heart breaks. This all started when I was just 16 years old I just got my first job working at Wendy’s and I met this guy who is three years older than me and at first we were just friends and after a while friends turned into more and I developed a crush and we would text and send nudes and he would grab my ass and what sucked was that he was my manager at wok so everything we were doing was a secret. After a month or two of our little “thing” we grew apart and he told me to stop but this was not the heart break. What broke my heart was the first time he did this he told me that was a crazy bitch and to never talk to him again. Then he came back to me and I went back to him and this happened maybe two more times before it was put to an end. Next came another boy from work. This time he is the same age as me and things moved very fast for us. The only problem was that he had gotten a girl pregnant our freshman year in high school and he now has a two year old daughter and lives with the Mom only because he was kicked out of his house when his parents found out and he had no where else to go so he told me that they had been fighting and broke up and had been for about two weeks and that he really liked me. It started with him telling my friends that he liked me and wanted my number so I gave it to him and he called me and we texted all night and he talked a lot about having sex with me and I wanted to and I still do but I didn’t know how to feel about his home life and his daughter but we were at work in the freezer and he spun me around and kissed me and that wasn’t the only time. The second time was in the break room and he took my hand and brought me back there and leaned in but then he asked if anyone was coming and I said no with a huge smile on my face and I kissed him but it wasn’t just a kiss it was a passionate kiss and I never felt any better about anything although he did bite my lip which kinda hurt but I kinda liked it and he had one hand around my waste and the other on my ass and when we pulled away we both had a big smile on our faces. What sucked about him is that his phone got turned off so he can’t text or call me and all I wanna do right now is talk to him but I can’t and I won’t see him until Sunday when we work together and I’ve never craved someone so much in my life. Update it is now September 29th and I hate guys so fucking much. Fuck Yoel, fuck Gino and fuck Tate ( tate is this guy that I had a crush on for like 2 years)

Hi so it is now January 15th 2019 and I’m about turn 18 and I have to add a name to this list of heart breaks. Tyler Clark the kid that I’ve known since kindergarten. Yep I never thought that I would be involved with that. He did have a major glow up. And it started with “hmu” something I posted on my snap and he slid up and said hey so we had a normal conversation then boom out of no where “wanna smash”!!!!!! I was soooo fucking shocked I didn’t know how to respond. But I told him that I was talking to someone already that someone being tate. And he was like well ok I’ll wait for you. And then me and tate stopped talking so I hmu again and we talked for like a month and the it was fun and I actually liked him. He would call me his baby and tell me he loves me and then he goes and posts a pic of some girl on his snap and I lost it I cussed him out and he didn’t get what he did wrong so I blocked him but I couldn’t stop thinking about him so I unblocked him and he added me back on snap but we didnt talk so I guess we’ll cool. 🤷‍♀️ hi so update it’s February 12th and tate has known that I like him for a few weeks now thanks to Liam’s big mouth and he hasn’t said anything or changed in any way so that’s great👍. Also there is this guy named Parker and I work with him and he’s cute and shit and at first I didn’t like him like that and we started hanging. Out and stuff and he was giving that I got feelings for you vibe and then my manager overheard him talking to guys at work and he said something like “I really like her but she likes this other guy at school and they kinda talk and idk if I should tell her how I feel or if I should let it be and not say anything “ and that was obviously about me. There are no other girls at work that are talking to him and that hang out with him. So I’m flattered BUT he has some problems he’s still hung up on his ex who he lost his virginity to and when I say still hung up I mean obsessed. One time me him and his friend went to to get wings and Parker rode there with his friend bc I wasn’t ready yet and I guess he asked to take a detour and he had his friend bring him to his ex’s house and it was weird and shit well when we left the restaurant he rode with me and he did the same thing he had me pull over in front of her house while he zoomed up on her bedroom window🤯 umm yeah creepy. But that was a while ago and he is still hung up on her so that needs to stop if he wanted to get with me. 😳 kinda a bad update yesterday 2/14/19 Valentine’s Day I decided to tell tate that Ik he knows that I like him and that I wanted to know how he feels about that well... he said that he had no idea that I liked him and that he isn’t mentally ready for a relationship and that his has no money either. And that I’m one of his best friends and the last thing that he wants rn is for me to hate him. I told him that I could never hate him and that I’m ok but honestly I’m not ok. I loved this kid. So when he told me that he doesn’t have any feelings for me it hurt might even say it broke me. I just feel like nothing I wake up in the morning and just have no motivation to get up and go to school and have to see him at lunch. I’m going to try and distract myself with Parker. So hi it’s been awhile and I have a freaking boyfriend and I’m so happy. He asked me out on March 30th and we went on our first date we’ve been dating for almost 3 weeks now and things have kinda moved fast he said “I love you” and I said it by week two and we make out a lot and we plan to have sex for the first time in the next two weeks. Update me and chase have been together for two months. New update it’s almost 3 months with chase and I’m so happy. He makes me feel so comfortable and my self all the time. I love him so much I didn’t think it would be possible for someone to love someone so much. He’s so sweet and kind and caring. He calls me baby and gives me kisses all the time he’s just he best. His birthday is in August and he loves he redsoxs so I’m gonna get him tickets to see and game in his birthday.

I will update more if people are interested cause I just reread everything and wow DRAMA I love it 😂😂😂