The Waterpark- Part 21

I must have slipped back into consciousness because I hear his footsteps run towards the car. I turn my head slightly and see him rip open the driver’s door. He bends down.

“ Oh my God.” He says, panicking. “ Ok, uh, Shay, can you hear me?” He asks. I nod my head. “ You can? Ok, ok I think that’s a good sign.” He reaches his hand into the car feels around my body for injuries. He gets to my legs and stops.

“ Ok. Shay, a part of the car is crushing your legs. I can pull it off, but it’s gonna hurt, ok?” I nod. He wedges his hand under the car piece. He lifts it a little and I wince.

“ I know. I know. I’m sorry.” He says. He lifts it all the way up and I groan. He picks my legs up from underneath it and has them dangling from the open driver’s seat door. He unbuckles my seat belt and puts one hand under my thighs and the other on my lower back. He lifts me up and starts to carry me to his car. The last thing I see before losing consciousness again is a tear roll down his cheek and onto his shirt.

I regain consciousness, to find him yelling at a nurse.

“ Is she gonna be okay? Tell me she’s gonna be ok!” He slams his hand on the door frame.

“ Sir, you need to calm down.” The nurse says, trying to defuse the situation.

“ No. I will calm down when you tell me the love of my life is gonna be okay!”

“ We haven’t gotten all the test results back yet, but her prognosis is looking grim.” The nurse says, deflated.

“ Fuck.” He says, knocking over chess pieces and lamps.

“ Jaime.” I cut his rampage short. He looks up at me and rushes to my side.

“ Hey baby. How you doing?” He asks, taking my hand in his.

“ Hurting.” I say, grabbing tight hold of his hand. Never wanting to let go. He chuckles.

“ I figured.” He says, stroking my hair.

“ How’s it looking?” I ask, already knowing the answer. He looks down and around the room. Trying to find his answer in the walls or posters. He looks up at me and forces a smile.

“ Good. It’s looking really good.” He says, holding back tears. I chuckle.

“ You always were a terrible liar.” He laughs. He’s looking down as he rubs his thumb across my arm.

“ Hey,” I say lifting his chin up. “ what’s wrong?”

“ The love of my life is lying in a hospital bed. What isn’t wrong? I just wish there was something I could do.

“ Well, there’s just one thing.” I say, smiling.

“ What is it, goofball?” He replies, returning the same smile.

“ Kiss me.” I say.

“ Shay, you-you’re in a hospital bed.”

“ Kiss me.” I say, firmer this time. He crashes his lips onto mine. I wrap my hands around his neck. I moan as his tongue makes its way to my mouth. The kisses get softer, deeper, and filled with more passion as they go on. I’m so lost in Jaime, that I barely hear the knock. We unlatch and turn towards the doorway.

“ What is this?” He asks.

“ Carter.” I say.

Part 22?? Was Jaime who you guys suspected she called? Thank you again for the sweet comments. Thanks for reading another chapter!💕❤️