Weird Cycle? Or Is Something Wrong?

So, this past month or two has been really weird for my cycle...

Before it started, it was a week late and now it’s been lasting over 2 weeks, just very lightly. Problems even started before this month. Where last month, there seemed to be that “old blood” stuff happening for maybe a week or so after my period ended.

My cycle’s really never been that regular but before these past two months, it was definitely fine.

I’ve never had sex, so my guess is that it might have something to do with stress? though I don’t feel all that stressed out. I did just turn 18 and i’m getting ready to move to another state for college - it’s a bit nerve wracking i guess but i’m not freaking out over it.

Other sources have told me it might be some sort of condition but i’m not sure what to think at this point.

What do you guys think it could be?