Opk's- pregnancy AND ovulation

Keilea • Mommy × 7 / 5 boys, 2 girls RIP Evan Ryatt 3/13/19-7/6/2020 Baby Quinn born Sept 21, 2021

Okay, so I know that opk's can detect the pregnancy hormone- hcg, but that they don't work vice versa, where hcg tests can detect LH, the ovulation hormone.

What if..what if you take your opk's past when you catch your surge, and the test line continually gets darker?

Does that act as an early pregnancy testing method?

Of course, I know you need to take a pregnancy test to confirm, but my question is this..

Would it make sense, if opk's can detect pregnancy, and you conceive, your opk would get darker, rather than going away/showing a very faint line = negative opk.

Isn't it supposed to go from 'as dark as, or darker than, the control' before ovulation, then turn negative quickly following the LH surge?

So if it doesn't, do you think you're more likely to be pregnant, or is this complete false hope?