It finally happened...

mikayla • boy mom

After a couple months of suspicion, I found out my boyfriends psychotic mother has been giving MY strictly breastfed baby boy formula. I couldn’t believe it, she knows I’ve been putting so much work into breastfeeding, countless doctor visits, drinking enough water to fill a lake, and this is what she does. I pumped her 17 oz for my 4 hour work shift, which is more than enough. I get home and he has some left over. I noticed the residue in the bottle and opened it, to find this. There’s no way he ate all of the breastmilk. Even if that’s the case, there’s back up in the freezer. I hate this woman with a pure passion now. She’s been pushing formula down my throat whenever I state that I want him strictly breastfed until at least 6 months. She’s convinced he is her baby. I don’t know where to go from here. I do not trust her anymore. I want to move back to Indiana now, as I have 0 support from anyone here besides my boyfriend.


This is my little boy. He has 0 issues with weight. He’s a happy, healthy 3 month old.