Starting solids & poo 💩


My daughter is 5 months & we have introduced solids. So far we have given rice cereal, bananas & pears. She has done very well so far with everything she has tried. I have only been giving solids 1-2 a day after breastfeeding. BUT she is pooping all the time 😝 normally she would have a bowel movement 1-2 times a day now after starting solids its more like 6-7 times a day. Now being that I breastfeed her poo is normally always runny so I don’t believe she is having diarrhea, she is also peeing normally & don’t believe she is dehydrated. Because she has been going so often now she has had a bad diaper rash & I feel so bad for her 😥 just wondering if this is normal once starting solids? Should I lay off giving her solids until her diaper rash clears up or keep on feeding her so her tummy can get used to it? Any info would be great , thanks!!