Odd Period


So my period started three days ago. It was a little late and hadn’t had one in five weeks. I thought it was normal except that it was super, super light, almost barely there but last night and today it’s gotten really heavy and I’ve been getting a few big clots with greyish tissue (I guess is the best way to describe it) attached to the clots.

I’m on the pill to control the pain I was getting with my periods so I don’t usually have pain but this period I’m having bad cramps.

For the last couple of weeks my boyfriends been jokingly asking if I’m pregnant but I took a test and it was negative. It’s just really confusing me as to what is going on.

I don’t have photos because I don’t take my phone to the toilet but the clots have been about the size of my pinky finger and some maybe about 3/4 of the size of my pinky which is unusual because I don’t really get many clots usually nor ones of those sizes.