Going home for pregnancy..


So I know this is different than deployment but due to how this pregnancy is going already my husband and I decided it would be best for me and the kids to go home to Arizona while my husband has to stay behind for work... I'm only 11 weeks and I'll probably be nearing 20 when I leave. How to you girls deal with being away from your husband while pregnant? This pregnancy isn't easy. They found a blood clot in my lung at 6 weeks so now I'm on lovenox injections which causes major bruising on my stomach. Ive already lost 11 pounds even while taking zofran because I'm so sick. And the other night I went to the er for bleeding and found I have/had? a subchronic hematoma. As you know hubby can't just take off work whenever to help out at home.. we have three other children with the oldest being 5. In AZ I have a ton of help from family and friends..