My sis has Shallow thought 😡


My mom is 65. She lives alone. dad left us when i was 10

(I and sis) We both give her money every month with amount enough for her living cost here in my country.

(Eating, paying for electricity & water bill) whilst her car installment and house installment, life insurance, health insurance is MY amenability.

For every big case, she needs approval from us cause we’re the one who’s responsible for all of her living.

Since april. My mom always asks (insist) me to let her work as uber motorcycle driver. (She had that job before when we were very poor. But now im comfortable enough to support all of her living cost) Which only gave her small amount of money. And i’m not agree with that.

The reason i don’t want her to work as driver:

- The money she’ll make isn’t compare able to the risk she’ll take. ( what if someday she had accidents? Money from uber is nothing compare to hospital bill. it’s gonna be us again to pay everything. She had several accidents back then)

- Also cause she has bad driving behavior.

- i feel ashamed in front of my colleague and everybody. I dont want they to think i’m lawlessness person, irresponsible for my own mom’s living. (til to let her work as driver) yes people in my country will think so it just not our culture.

I have offered my mom what if i open her small business bakery store which is much safety for her health since it’s less risky. Like small bakery. But she declined it. I also have offered her to take profit from the needed stuff of my friend’s new company. I’m going to be the one who pay for the capital price. She just only get the profit.

But she declined again. I want her to stop working hard and start working smart since she’s no longer young anymore. And we (sis and me) no longer that poor.

But she insists to be uber motorcycle driver again.

not with my sister, she agrees with what my mom wants. As long as it makes her happy. She think if our mom had accidents, it’s okay. Just take her to hospital and treat her wound. Finish.

My sis is very liberal person.

She only thinks about happiness.

The only consideration is if it’s only make you happy or not. While for me it’s not wise.

Now i and sis and mom is in hostile.

But ofc my mom is on sis’s side.

**Ladies, correct me of i’m wrong. And give another reason besides happiness.

If you think im not wrong, help me how to change my sister’s mind.**


Since my sis againts me and defence my mom. I have deal with my sis, if it’s the way what you want your mom to be happy, i aint taking the risk, any hospital bill will be charged to my sis and she’s agree with that.