Diet Changes (long)

?Emmy • X Files forever, fibromyalgia, The Smiths. 15

Recently in the past maybe five months I've cut down on meat considerably. If it was up to me I wouldn't eat it at all but my parents serve it most nights for dinner and I'm stuck eating it.

I've also had troubles with my periods. I've had them for about four years now and they are still somewhat irregular in both timing and how heavy they are. Recently though they've been very heavy. A few days ago I passed out in my gym class and all of my vitals were normal and they've said it was because of my heavy period I'd just finished. (I've never passed out before)

I'm thinking my diet change has caused my passing out due to low iron levels. Is there anything I should do to help myself? Any tips? And should I be concerned about my periods? (Is it a reason to start birth control or anything?)