period in a pool


a couple months ago me and my 3 friends had a sleepover over the summer.

it was the last week of summer and we wanted to make the most out of it. so we all had a sleepover at my house and in the morning we all went to the other girls house the other 2 girls left and it was just me and my friend. she asked if i wanted to go to the pool and i was hype about it. so i asked my mom she said yes. so i went to the bathroom to change into my swim suit, a i got my period. me and this girl just became friends so i didn’t wanna ask her for anything so i just shoved toilet paper there. so i changed into my swim suit and totally forgot about it! we went into the community pool and it just felt weird down there. then i realized, I FORGOT IM ON MY PERIOD! so the toilet paper started to go all over the pool. i prayed that no one would notice. but then i just tried to move around so if i bleed it wouldn’t all be in one place. that didn’t work, my period was so heavy that day it was horrible! i finally told my friend and she said “call your mom to pick you up” so i did and my mom came and the girl didn’t even get out of the pool to say bye or nothing. i texted her that day and the day after and stuff and i never got a response from her or any of the other girls till this day.